Ghweil Ali Abdelrahman
South Valley University, Egypt
Title: Reactivation of Herpesvirus in patients with Hepatitis C treated with direct-acting antiviral agents
Biography: Ghweil Ali Abdelrahman
We performed a case-series analysis of reactivation of Herpesvirus in patients with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection treated with Direct-Acting Antiviral (DAA) agents. Eight cases were detected among 100 treated patients with direct acting antiviral regimens in Qena University Hospital from June 2016 to June 2017. Herpesvirus was reactivated in 8 patients who received DAA therapy. None of the cases had risk factor for HZ reactivation. The DAAs used regimens were sofosbuvir/ daclatasvir in 6 cases and sofosbuvir/ledipasvir in 2 cases. Immune changes that follow HCV clearance might lead to reactivation of other viruses, such as Herpesvirus. Patients with HCV infection suspected of having Herpesvirus infection should be treated promptly.