Biography: Wafaa Ahmed Zahran
Sepsis refers to signs of inflammation in the presence of a presumed infection. It can be a dangerous complication of almost any type of infection, including influenza, pneumonia and food poisoning; urinary tract infections; bloodstream infections from wounds; and abdominal infections. Recent sepsis overview in the medical journals, explains sepsis symptoms and risk factors, the difference between severe sepsis and septic shock, and how sepsis is typically treated. Nosocomial sepsis is a serious problem especially for patients who are admitted in intensive care units. It is associated with an increase in mortality, morbidity, and prolonged length of hospital stay. Thus, both the human and fiscal costs of these infections are high. The purpose of this lecture is to describe infection control strategy to reduce rate of nosocomial sepsis. I will answer some inquiries about sepsis: What are the differences among sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock? What Should Infection Preventionists Know? Sepsis Epidemiology, Sepsis Pathophysiology, How to Diagnose, What Are Sepsis Risk Factors? The antibiotics and antibiotic stewardship role in managing sepsis. I will give highlights on New Guidelines for sepsis management. Prevention and Treatment of Nosocomial Sepsis in the ICUs and Septic Shock Bundle.