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Robert O Young

Robert O Young

PH Miracle Centre, USA

Title: The dismantling of the viral theory


Biography: Robert O Young


There is now over 100 years of documented history and research on the Polio virus and whether or not its treatment by inoculation has been successful in eradicating Polio. I am suggesting in this article and in my lecture that there are significant findings based on historical and past and current research, including my own that the viral theory of polio and possibly other modern-day diseases, such as post-polio syndrome, polio vaccine-induced paralysis, legionnaires, CNS disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS and now Zika may be caused by acidic chemical poisoning from DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and other related DDT pesticides, acidic vaccinations, and other factors including lifestyle and dietary factors rather than from a lone infectious virus. I will present ten historical graphs outlining the history of Polio, the production of DDT, BHC, Lead, Arsenic, Polio vaccinations and the author’s theory that chemical poisoning, vaccination, and lifestyle and dietary choices are a more likely cause for the symptoms of Polio, neurological diseases, Cancer, HIV/AIDS and now Zika.